

December 5, 1998

Article 1 (Name).
This academic organization is named the Applied Regional Science Conference (hereinafter called ARSC).

Article 2 (Objectives and Policies).
ARSC aims to promote interdisciplinary research of regional science through theoretical and policy-oriented approaches.
ARSC pursues the following activities from a scholarly point of view, sometimes in collaboration with
Regional Science Association International:
(1) To hold research meetings and symposia;
(2) To publish research achievements of members through international academic journals and other media;
(3) To exchange information with academic and other organizations throughout the world;and
(4) To conduct other activities consistent with ARSC's objectives.

Article 3 (Membership).
ARSC membership is composed of individual and corporate members;the former includes honorary,
overseas, student and regular members.
1.Select individual members whose services have been distinguished may be designated as Honorary Members.
Recommendations shall be made by the Managing Committeee and must be approved at a general meeting.
2. Individual members who maintain non-resident status in Japan shall be called overseas members, irrespective of their nationality.
3.Individual members who attend graduate schools in Japan may become student members. Such status may extend
to junior or senior year students in undergraduate courses.
4.Individual members who are neither honorary, overseas nor student members shall be called Regular Members.
5.Organizations that support the objectives of ARSC may become Corporate Members.

Article 4(Rights and Obligations)
1. Each member shall have the right to participate in the activities organized by ARSC, and to receive a copy of its
general publications.
2. Each member shall be obliged to pay an annual membership fee, as determined by the managing committee.
3. Each individual member shall have the right to request ARSC to arrange his/her membership in the Regional Science
Association International(RSAI) and to subscribe to the journals through which RSAI offers group rates. Any member who
exercises such right shall be obliged to pay the applicable membership and subscription fees by the date designated by the ARSC secretariat.

Article 5(Admission and Withdrawal)
1.A person who wishes to become an individual member of ARSC should submit to the secretariat his/her application bearing signatures of two standing members. The same is required for an organization that wishes to become a corporate member. The membership must be approved at a general meeting as recommended by the Managing Committeee.
2. An individual or organization whose membership has been approved by the Managing Committeee may execute all
rights as ARSC members, except for voting rights, upon payment of all applicable fees.
3. If a member wishes to withdraw from ARSC, he/she/it must notify the secretariat of such intention in writing.
Fees already paid for the current fiscal year shall not be refunded, and all outstanding fees shall be paid prior to withdrawal.
4.A member who has failed to meet the obligations over a certain number of years shall be dismissed from the organization
upon approval of a general meeting.

Article 6(General Meeting)
A regular general meeting shall be held once per year. Extraordinary meetings shall be held when deemed necessary
by the Managing Committeee.One fifth of all individual members, including those submitting letters of attorney,
constitutes a quorum,Resolutions, except for those to amend the charter, will be ratified by a simple majority vote.

Article 7(President and Vice President)
1. ARSC shall be represented by an elected President and Vice President. Procedures for their elections are prescribed in Bylaws.
2. The President shall serve a term of two years, and shall serve no more than two consecutive terms. The President shall chair the Managing Committeee.
3. The Vice President shall assist the President and serve as acting chair of the Managing Committeee. After his /her fixed term of tow years, the Vice President shall automatically assume the position of President.
4. In the event that the President resigns during his/her term, the Vice President shall take over the post of the president. A new Vice President shall promptly be elected thereafter.The same procedure shall apply to the case of resignation of the Vice President.The applicable terms of the new President or Vice President is specified in Bylaws.
5. Former presidents are neither able to serve second terms nor be eligible for election to the post of Vice President.

Article 8(Managing Committee Members)
1. A number of members shall be elected to constitute a Managing Committee. Such members shall attend Managing Committee meetings and carry out business necessary for the administration of the organization.
The exact number of the Committee Members and their election procedures are described in Bylaws.
2. A Managing Committeee member shall serve a term of two years, with reelection permitted up to a maximum of two consecutive terms. A former President may not run for Managing Committee member for the term following his /her term in office.
3. In the event that one fifth of the full Managing Committeee member positions becomes vacant, an election shall be held to fill such
vacancies. Such election shall be supervised by the standing members of the Managing Committeee. The newly elected members shallserve for a term as described in Bylaws.

Article 9(Secretariat and Auditors)
1. ARSC shall have a Secretariat, to be administered by a Chief Secretary. The president shall propose the location of the
Secretariat and its chief, which shall require approval of the Managing Committeee.
2. The Secretariat shall publish ARSC Newsletters, keep records of membership, and control the budget. The Secretariat shall be allowed to establish special accounts in order to carry out specific functions of ARSC administration.
3. The Managing Committeee shall appoint two auditors from among individual members. The auditors shall inspect the accounts
of the Secretariat and relevant entities in charge of any special accounts. The results shall be reported at the general meeting.

Article 10(Managing Committeee)
1. The Managing Committee shall be composed of a chairperson (President), an acting chairperson (Vice President),
and other members. The former President, Chief Secretary, and a few members appointed by the President shall be
permitted to attend Management Committee meetings as observers. The observers shall not participate in decision-making.
2. A Committee meeting shall be called by the President when deemed necessary. The President shall be obliged to call
a meeting if so requested by more than one third of the committee members.

Article 11(Fiscal Year)
1. The fiscal year of ARSC shall commence on the first of April, lasting until the final day of March of the following year.
2. The terms of duty of officials shall be based on the above-mentioned fiscal year.

Article 12(Amendment of the Charter)
Amendments to the ARSC charter may be proposed either by the Managing Committee or by a request accompanied by the signatures of more than one fifth of the individual members. Any proposal must be approved by a two-thirds majority in a general meeting.

Article 1
"General publications" in Article 4 means "ARSC Newsletters" and "Journal of Applied Regional Science".

Article 2
1. Annual fees for individual members are as follows:10.000 yen for regular members; 0 yen for student members; US $60 for overseas members.
Fees are exempted for honorary members.
2. The amounts above are fixed in Japanese yen for regular and student members and in US dollars for overseas members. Payment may be made either in yen or dollars
at the rate of exchanged advised by the secretariat at the time of invoice.
3. Corporate members shall declare the number of shares to be purchased. The annual fee is 50,000 yen per share.
4. The secretariat shall collect RSAI fees and relevant subscription fees based on such invoice from RSAI. Payment shall be made at the rate of exchanged advised by
the secretariat at the time of invoice.

Article 3
The grace period before dismissal in Clause 4 of Article 5 shall be three yeas.

Article 4
The tenure of the President and Vice President in Clause 4 of Article 7 shall be as follows.
1. In the event that the President or Vice President resigns on or after the first day of October, his/her tenure shall be extended to
include the remainder of the present fiscal year.
2. The term of the Vice President shall run consecutively with that of the President.

Article 5
The tenure of the management committee members who are elected by Clause 3 of Article 8 shall be the same as that of existing members.

Article 6
This amended charter of ARSC shall be in force from the first day of April, 1999.

Election Bylaws
Section 1(Number of Managing Committee Members and Election Procedures)
Article 1
The number of managing committee members shall be either one twentieth of individual members (rounded off to the nearest whole number) or twenty, whichever is smaller. That number may be allocated to several electoral districts, which must be made public before an election.

Article 2
Each individual member shall write three names on an unsigned ballot, irrespective of the electoral district to which he/she belongs.The committee members shall be elected by votes counted for each electoral district. In the event of doubt of the election results, the managing committee
and the election administrators shall jointly make final judgement.

Article 3
Elections shall be administered by two election administrators to be appointed by the President.

Section 2(Vice-President election procedure)
Article 1
The Managing Committee members shall nominate three candidates for the vice-presidency using anonymous ballots with two names written.

Article 2
Each individual member shall choose one candidate on an anonymous ballot. In the event of doubt of the election results, the Managing Committee shall make final judgement.

Article 3
Elections shall be administered by two election administrators appointed by the President.

Former Presidents of the ARSC

Name Office Term
1st Sakashita, Noboru Dec. 1987 - Mar. 1990
2nd Mera, Koichi Apr. 1990 - Mar. 1992
3rd Yamada, Hiroyuki Apr. 1992 - Mar. 1994
4th Kawashima, Tatsuhiko Apr. 1994 - Mar. 1995
5th Sasaki, Komei Apr. 1995 - Mar. 1997
6th Morisugi, Hisayoshi Apr. 1997 - Mar. 1999
7th Fujita, Masahisa Apr. 1999 - Mar. 2001
8th Kanemoto, Yoshitsugu Apr. 2001 - Mar. 2003
9th Ihara, Takeo Apr. 2003 - Mar. 2005
10th Kashiwadani, Masuo Apr. 2005 - Mar. 2007
11th Kobayashi, Kiyoji Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2009
12th Tabuchi, Takatoshi Apr. 2009 - Mar. 2011
13th Kuroda, Tatsuaki Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2013
14th Nakamura, Ryohei Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2015
15th Mun, Se-IL Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2017
16th Ando, Asao Apr. 2017 - Mar. 2019
OHSAWA, Yoshiaki Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2021
OKUMURA, Makoto Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2023
now on duty
TAKAHASHI, Takaaki Apr. 2023 -

Present Officials

Officials (Steering com.) Name Office
President TAKAHASHI, TakaakiUniv. of Tokyo
Vice President MORI, TomoyaKyoto Univ.
Managing Committee Members AGO, TakanoriSenshu Univ.
  AIURA, HiroshiNanzan Univ.
  AKAMATSU, TakashiTohoku Univ.
  FUKUSHIGE, MototsuguOsaka Univ.
  ITO, RyoTohoku Univ.
  IWATA, ShinichiroKanagawa Univ.
  KAWABATA, MizukiKeio Univ.
  KONO, TatsuhitoTohoku Univ.
  MATSUO, MiwaKobe Univ.
  MATSUSHIMA, NoriakiOsaka Univ.
  NAITO, TohruDoshisha Univ.
  NAKAJIMA, KentaroHitotsubashi Univ.
 Public RelationsOTAZAWA, ToshimoriKobe Univ.
  SATO, YasuhiroUniv. of Tokyo
  TABUCHI, TakatoshiChuo Univ.
  TAKATSUKA, HajimeOsaka Metropolitan Univ.
  TAKAYAMA, YukiKanazawa Univ.
  TSUTSUMI, MoritoUniv. of Tsukuba
  YAMAMOTO, KazuhiroOsaka Univ.
ARSC JournalChief EditorKONO, TatsuhitoTohoku Univ.
Web Manager KATO, NobuakiLitec Co., Ltd
Secretary General